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Protection of Personal Data (KVKK)

Private Rami Hospital

Home » Protection of Personal Data (KVKK)

As Rami Hospital, we attach great importance to the security of your personal data.

We keep all kinds of personal data shared by our patients in a way that takes care of patient privacy and takes Jul all kinds of necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security regarding your personal data.

This Information about the Protection of Personal Data describes our personal data protection and business policy and how we collect, transfer, use and protect your personal data during the services performed by the hospital.

1) Personal Data Collected by Rami Hospital

We collect various information from our patients within the framework of the health services we provide. Such information is collected in accordance with the data processing principles and conditions contained in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) in all circumstances. 2 Of you below. The information we collect for the purposes described in the Section may include the following Decrees:

  • Your name, surname,
  • T.C. your identity information, passport number,
  • Place and date of birth,
  • Your Gender,
  • Your Address,
  • Your phone number,
  • your email address,
  • Patient protocol number,
  • Your financial data, such as pay and billing information,
  • Your private health insurance or Social Security Institution data,
  • Your biometric data within the scope of services financed by the Social Security Institution,
  • Your health data, including but not limited to your laboratory results, test results, examination data, check-up information, prescription information,
  • If you contact us, your voice recording,
  • You recorded closed circuit camera system images during your visit to our hospitals,
  • Please provide the vehicle license plate if you use the parking/valet service, your health data and identity information that you share when you use the online services on our website,
    your other data that you share when you contact us by e-mail, call center or other other channels.

2) The Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

The personal data we collect within the scope of the services you are receiving from us are processed for various purposes, including the following Decrees:

a. To fulfill our legal obligations contained in the Basic Law of Health Services No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliated Organizations, the Regulation on Private Hospitals, the Regulation on the Processing and Confidentiality of Personal Health Data and other relevant regulations,
b. Protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing,
c. Providing you with information about your appointment if you have made an appointment,
d. Planning and managing the internal functioning of the hospital,
e. Conducting analysis in order to improve our services,
f. Making an invoice,
g. Verification of your identity,
h. Verification of your relationship with contracted institutions,
i. Responding to the requests of the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the applicable legislation,
j. Responding to your questions or complaints about our services,
k. Analyzing your use of health services in order to improve the services we offer,
l. Compliance with the internal policies and principles of the hospital,
m. Measuring patient satisfaction after receiving health services and increasing patient satisfaction,
n. Contacting you for informational purposes regarding our services,
o. Supply of medicines or medical devices.Jul.

However, your personal data will not be used for commercial purposes in any way except for the activities listed above and the cases required by the relevant legislation.

3) Persons and Organizations to which Your Personal Data May be Transferred

By ensuring that all necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure an appropriate level of security in accordance with the KVKK and relevant health legislation, your personal data are stored for the purposes set out in Section 2 above; Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359, Decree Law no Jul 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates, Regulation on Private Hospitals, Regulation on the Processing and Confidentiality of Personal Health Data and other relevant legislation, institutions or organizations authorized by the provisions of private insurance companies;; we may transfer directly/indirectly our domestic/foreign shareholders, subsidiaries and/or affiliates; auditors; consultants; business partners; domestic/foreign organizations with which we receive contractual services, cooperate, and other third parties to carry out our activities.

4) The Method and Legal Reason of Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is collected in all kinds of oral, written or electronic media within the scope of the purposes listed above and in order for the hospital to fulfill its contractual and legal obligations.

5) Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

To the extent that your personal data is processed by the hospital in the capacity of data controller, 11 of the KVKK. in accordance with the article, by filling out the “KVKK Access / Information Request Form” listed below and delivering it by hand to the hospital address where you have received services, sending it through a notary public, or by transmitting your personal data to the address with a secure electronic signature;

a) To learn whether any of your personal data has been processed,
b) Requesting information regarding the processing activities of your personal data,
c) To learn the purposes of processing your personal data,
d) In case the personal data has been transferred to third parties at home or abroad, to learn about these persons,
e) To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
f) Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data if the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear or the hospital does not have a legal basis or legitimate interest to process such data, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data,
g) To object to the adverse consequences that may arise as a result of the processing of personal data through automated systems and,
h) If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to request compensation for this damage.

The hospital will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and no later than thirty days, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the procedure requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged by the hospital.

Click here for the KVKK Information Request Form.