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Breast Lift

Aesthetic Surgery

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    Breast Lift

    Due to reasons such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, genetics and rapid weight gain and loss, breasts sag and lose their shape under the influence of gravity. This affects patients psychologically with a decrease in self-confidence.

    With breast lift operations, it is possible to have breasts that stand upright and more vigorous as desired in women.

    How is the surgery performed?

    The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation varies between 2-4 hours depending on the degree of sagging of the breast and whether it needs to be plumped or not.

    With this surgery, excess and sagging skin areas are removed and the breast tissue is lifted and plumped at the same time. If the person’s own tissue is not sufficient for this augmentation, silicone prostheses or fat injection methods are also used. At the same time, the enlarged and sagging nipple is brought to the place and size it should be.

    In this surgery, scars remain at different rates depending on the degree of sagging towards the nipple and inframammary fold area. It should be known that there is no breast lift surgery that does not leave scars. However, these scars become less prominent over time.

    If the nipple has not sagged too much downwards and there is a small amount of sagging with a lack of volume, prosthesis is placed in such breasts and both breast fullness is provided and the breast is lifted.

    Since the milk ducts in the breast are not affected much, breastfeeding problems are very rare.

    What are the points to be considered in the postoperative period?

    The patient is discharged on the day of surgery or after one night in the hospital. Except for the pain that decreases with painkillers on the first day, pain on other days is not expected.

    There is swelling and bruising around the breast, which usually resolves in 2 weeks. In some patients, drains are placed in the breast, which are usually removed after 1-2 days.

    Sports bras are worn for 3-4 weeks after the operation. If the patient does not work in jobs that require heavy work, she/he can resume work after the third day. It is recommended to avoid heavy exercise and work for about a month.

    Breast lift surgeries are surgeries that can give a good appearance to the breast and give good results. However, it should be kept in mind that some sagging may occur after surgery due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, rapid weight gain and loss and the effect of gravity with age.